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SEO explained to those who wonder “How can I rank of top of Google Search results?”

This blog explains what it takes to make a website appear among the first organic results on search engines.
In one word, SEO: Search Engine Optimisation.

Click here to skip the introduction.

What do I need to get started with SEO?

You need patience, for sure. But, more importantly, you need to understand that it’s not about stuffing keywords or trying to cheat Google: sorry, you just cannot win :(.

It’s about figuring out why and how you can be helpful to somebody else.
After all, isn’t business, in general, really about that?

What is SEO and what is not?

Search Engine Optimisation is about “organic traffic,” which is attracting visitors with the quality and relevance of your content.
SEA (search engine advertising) is when you pay for traffic.
SEM (search engine marketing) is the strategy behind both.

Who needs it and who doesn’t?

Are you a small business or association that wants to rank high on Google?
I guess you have no budget or time for search engines…

The posts below are very short and straight to the point.
They all include links to many other competent websites.
That said, we can help you save time, but SEO will still require your attention and active contribution.
We are talking of hard work, no shortcuts possible!

Not enough?
Book a free SEO coaching session.

How does SEO work?

It’s a matter of value, not keywords.
What can you offer to the world?
Is it knowledge or convenience? Is it speed or quality?

And what is the next step?
Our SEO checklist.


If you are here although we never met before… it is because search engine optimisation works.
Smart Videos is a mobile video marketing agency, based in Brussels.

We had the same hurdles with budget and time.
Still, we made an effort, we made a good investment.

Now we’re happy to share what we have been learning with you. Because it may sound strange, but SEO is actually very exciting!

Find here the full list of free articles that we have written about SEO.

You can help us make it better!
Share your feedback with us in the contact section.

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